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Monday, July 09, 2007

goodnight moon

kyle and i have this ritual before he goes to bed and if i'm not putting keon to bed. usually it's his yaya that puts him to bed since i can't put the two boys to sleep at the same time. kyle and i read a book. he's bedtime book is goodnight moon. and for the past few weeks, we can't seem to find this book, it's gone missing somewhere in our room...

i feel bad because kyle usually looks for this and would sometimes resort to just finishing his milk without even reading the book.

haay, i sure hope we find this book soon so that we can get back to regular sleeping programming...


May said...

One of my favorite children's book of all time. :) i hope you find it soon!

Haze said...

i hope so too! must be under the bed or with his cousin. hehehe :P