Motherhood, Parenting and Everything in between

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

things i learned from my kids and hubby

Things I learned from kyle and keon:

- It’s still fun to laugh out loud
- To appreciate even the simplest of things
- That saying sorry is not that hard to do
- Not to be afraid to ask WHY?
- Hugs and kisses are one of the best medicines for anything that goes bad or feels bad.
- You don’t need expensive toys, books or dvds to learn, all it needs is a little imagination.
- Patience is really a virtue
- The more you get mad, the more nothing happens
- Life is complicated because we make it so.
- A smile can go a long way, and a genuine one at that.
- It’s ok to let out your frustrations through shouting at the top of your lungs, then move on.
- Appreciation can be given in the sincerest form.
- It’s ok to stumble and fall and get a few bruises, you can brush it off after and stand up again.
- Imagination can be fueled by anything if you let it.
- All work and no play makes your life really boring.

- If you gotta go, you gotta go.

Things I learned from being a mom and wifey to aishi:

- Never forget to say goodnight no matter how sleepy you are.
- Admitting your wrong and working out a compromise
- To just let go when the little ones have tantrums, give them time to let it out then find a distraction.
- That it’s ok even if I don’t know how to cook, as long as I keep my family happy and contented.
- That even an hour spent with the kids is an eternity for them. And always make quality time with the kids and hubby no matter how tight the schedule.
- To let my kids learn about themselves, the world on their own, with us watching and guiding them.
- Communication. Talk about anything and everything.
- It’s more fun to play with the kids and their toys than to play with the grown-up toys (i.e the latest gadgets).
- It’s pointless to hold grudges.
- Sometimes a hug in the middle of the night is much better than a ratty old blanket to keep you warm.
- It's fun having a debate with hubby and laughing about it after.

- Hubby is the best drinking buddy ever, along with ple (yihee special mention!)

and this list will keep on updating as long as i'm alive

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi haze! this is a very nice list. :) You love your family so much.