Motherhood, Parenting and Everything in between

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, July 23, 2007

mommy and dada are sick

as mentioned before, keon and kyle were sick a few weeks before. kyle with the usual tonsilitis, and keon, we're suspecting teething but at the same time having the usual cough and colds due to the erratic weather.

the kids are fine now, fever-free. happy and lively as usual. but they're sleeping in my parent's room so that they won't get sick again.

except now that mommy and dada are the ones sick and with high fevers. aishi still has fever since friday night until last night at 39 degrees. poor aishi, he was literally living in our bed the whole weekend. i was taking care of the boys plus aishi. unfortunately, i too am sick but still here at work. my fever still hasn't gone out yet but i'm really feeling weak and tired. plus the fact that my little red fairy has visited me. what timing!! i'm just waiting for the fever to come out so that i can get over it. it's so hard to work, take care of the kids and your hubby when at the same time, you're nursing a fever too.

now i'm thinking of sending over the kids to my inlaws first just to lessen the chances of them not getting sick. after all, i think we were the ones who caught the bug from them. hehehe

i'm not sure if i can still go to work tomorrow. we'll see tonight. i'll just ym my boss tomorrow if i can't make it.

i really hate getting sick... boo!

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