Motherhood, Parenting and Everything in between

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Friday, January 19, 2007

i'm still pregnant

yup. the big day hasn't arrived yet. still in my pregnant glory but stuck at home. not that i'm complaining, i'm having the grandest time! i get to spend the whole day with my son and see how he goes through his day.

right now we're having aishi's cabinet renovated so that the orocan drawers will hold all the kid's clothes and other things. and i get to keep an eye on their things now and keep track of their clothes. i just wish that our room's much more bigger than it is. but, we're living with my parents so i don't have the right to complain. it is after all their house. but we don't plan to stay here forever, we're saving up for our own place soon. and a lot of saving will be done.

so anyway, on to lighter things.... what have i been up to? well....

> still making jewelries. and waiting for the advance classes that i can attend.
> teaching kyle his abcs and 123s. and he's quite the fast learner. you just have to capture the right moment to get his full attention.
> looking into other business options. i don't plan to be a housewife you know... hehehe
> one step at a time savings. a little goes a long way
> preparing keone's things. we're back to square one again.
> baby proofing the house and sanitizing the house. keone will be arriving anytime soon.
> getting more and more impatient. can't wait to see keone. and i'm on my 36th week! 1 week or more to go. :)
> will be setting up a garage sale by next week. there are a lot of stuff i'm willing to sell that i don't get to use anymore and i'm sure there will be others that can use it. (old books, knick-knacks, unused notebooks good for journals, jewelries, old toys etc.)
> hopefully before keone arrives, we have painted and cleaned our room. so this means, we have this weekend to do it...

so, what's up with you? :)

1 comment:

Christianne said...

I guess nanganak ka na since you aren't updating, congratulations! :D