Motherhood, Parenting and Everything in between

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

turning 26

I meant to write about what happened when I celebrated my 26th birthday but I was caught up with a lot of things that I totally forgot. And well, I didn’t have time to capture it all in pictures. But I’m not complaining. As long as I got to share it with close and new found friends. I am happy.

As incubus said in one of their songs: “and in this moment, I am happy

And I am.

It may be a big deal for me to turn 26, when I have been very vocal to my friends that I’ll forever remain a 25 year old. I don’t know, maybe I might change my mind along the way and embrace my age.

Why 25 then? I think this is the peak of my existence, where I could do what I want and not being bound by my parents telling me what to do and what not to do. I have a family of my own where my kids are like my playmates, I could still run after them, be a kid like them, really understand what they like and dislike, in a way, know where they are coming from. This is the age where I am really enjoying the money I am earning and sharing it with the people I believe deserve to share what I have. And at 25 I’ve learned a lot.

So I guess there’s no difference in turning 26. Age is just a number. I just chose to stick to the number I like best.


I celebrated my birthday a Saturday, sept. 30 a few days before my birthday which fell on a Monday. I invited the usual people – the boys and their gilrs (4L) minus franco and cj. Of course my bestfriend was present, kerol and her hubby bogart, and the officemates I usually hang out with.

The house was packed with the people who came. Aishi prepared his ever famous chili con, hotdog pulutan and some chips. The guests were happy. Booze were overflowing (4 cases of beer methinks and rhum coke for me and ple).

The party ended around 430am. We didn’t even realize that it was that late with all the jokes, chismis, stories. The last people standing were ple and my officemates.

I may not remember all the details and other preps for the party but all I could have in my memories that these people made m birthday really special. I feel loved.

I may not receive any gifts, but isn’t being with the people you love and who love you back, worth more than all the material things you ever wished for?

And of course, aishi was there to make it all the more special. My aishi really took care of me and the preps. Really, what more could I ask for?

I'm going to sit here and wait for what 27 will bring. will you be there when i turn 27?

update: uploaded some pics during my birthday in my multiply

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