Motherhood, Parenting and Everything in between

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Friday, October 19, 2007

sometimes i believe in horoscopes

The Bottom Line

Your engine is all revved up, but there's no place to go today. Expect no progress.

In Detail

Your engine is all revved up, but there's really no place for you to go today ... all projects are moving forward nicely, and the people in your life are doing well. There will be no frantic phone calls or calls for your sage advice. So what to do with all this energy and time? Spend it on yourself! This is a great day to go off on your own and do whatever makes you feel connected to the world. If the weather permits, take a nice long walk -- and bring along some of your favorite music.

most definitely, people in my life are doing well. i'm glad. :)


and i may not say this often verbally, but aishi, thank you for not being judgemental. even if i do bash you here in my blog. you don't get mad, still talk to me and still be the nicest person. thank you for understanding and being a person. and with this i gain new confidence to continue writing, because you and the kids are all that matter...

1 comment:

Mec said...

ah... but what are husbands for diba nga? :D