Motherhood, Parenting and Everything in between

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I've been tagged!!! *shock*

hehe kidding...

i've been tagged by mama meeya and here goes:

Instructions: Name ten of life’s simple pleasures that you like the most, then pick ten people to do the same. Try to be original and creative and not to use things that someone else has already used.

> being able to sleep all day

> eating a hearty meal of mom's good ol' kare-kare with lots of bagoong and malata rice. yummy!!

> a good book + rainy days + my own bag of ruffles sour cream and cheddar = BLISS

> staying the whole day in Powerbooks, drowing in all the books you can read!

> bath time with kyle.

> lying in bed talking to aishi until we fall asleep

> finding a really cute top, bag or a pair of shoes in tiangges.

> looking at our family photo albums

> coffee breaks with my best friend colby in Starbucks doing nothing and having our own quiet moments

> corny jokes forwarded by colby =)

if i had more time, i'll add more things to this list. simple lang naman ang kaligayahan ko. madali akong pasayahin. no drama what so ever =)


MrsPartyGirl said...

thanks for answering the tag, *shock!* :D i used to love bath time with Ninna, pero now that she's discovered that she Can't actually take a bath, i dread our small everyday battle of the wills! :D

Haze said...

you know what? i'm dreading that too! haha but for now, i'm going to relish these moments with kyle. grabe, our babies are growing up na! *sigh*