Motherhood, Parenting and Everything in between

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, May 16, 2005

The only thing constant in this world is change...

when we were little, we always wanted things for ourselves. we wanted things that would benefit us, things that would make us happy, things that would enrich our lives. i was one of those. i confess that i have been a bit selfish in my own ways to get what i want. i confess that i have used a few tricks and tactics to let things and situations be in my favor.

i thought the things that i wanted would still remain the same until i grow old. but now, things and situations have changed and the things that i wanted for myself have been shadowed by something more powerful than i ever thought i could want more in my life... and never thought i would covet...

i have been blessed with a child of my own growing inside me as i type this. in 2 month's time, he will be part of the world i came to know. he would form his own ideas, needs, wants, desires. he too would want things for his own. i would not stop him from doing that. i know he has to go through that. but then, things are different from my perspective as well as his dad's.

the things that we wanted for ourselves are now the things that we want for him. the material things that we wished we had when we were little,are now the things we want him to enjoy. when i get to see him enjoy and appreciate the things that we gave, it seems as if we were able to enjoy the things we wanted before.

my mindset has changed. in the span of almost 7 months. things have changed. i have changed. my husband has changed. people around me has changed. whether for the better or worse... i have changed physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. i've grown to become a more mature person. i've grown to appreciate the things my parents handle life. i'm actually on the other side of the cliff now. i'm seeing the perspective my parents have been seeing ever since i came into this world. this is only the beginning but i already understand what it feels like to be a parent and care for the one thing that really matters to you.

i just hope that in the future, my son and future children if God will permit me to have would be able to see the things i see now and i hope that we would meet on the other side and appreciate each other...

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