Motherhood, Parenting and Everything in between

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, May 30, 2005

not a good start to a friday...

i was supposed to go to that free ultrasound thing in asian hospital in filinvest... but lo and behold!! it didn't push through. :( aishi and i were super excited and all. actually it was my mom who suggested it but forgot to inform us that this thing is only a "sampling". meaning this free ultrasound won't last forever. and sounds too good to be true. i mean, who would give free 4d ultrasounds in a posh hospital right?

so anyway, aishi and i just asked to be listed so that we would be informed ASAP if ever this sampling would resume. this free ultrasound would be a really big help in managing our expenses since kyle's birth is only 2 months away!!!

so for now we'll just wait and see..

1 comment:

Zeus said...

Malapit na!!! Exciting! :) I'll be praying for Kyle and you two. :D